10 Reasons Why An Aquarius Man Pulls Away When In Love (And How To Get Him Back!)

Finding true love with an Aquarius man can feel like a gift from the universe. His brilliant mind, passion for change, and quirky charm make him a one-of-a-kind catch.

But just when things seem to be going great between you two, he suddenly starts acting distant and withdrawn. What gives, right?

Well, try not to take it personally. As a free-spirited air sign, Aquarius men need more breathing room in relationships than most. Before panicking, it helps to understand what’s driving him to pull away so you can get things back on track.

Here are the 10 biggest reasons an Aquarius man might need space from love, plus tips to handle it.

Why An Aquarius Man Pulls Away When In Love

1. He’s Longing For More Freedom

Above all else, Aquarius men prize their freedom and get anxious if a relationship starts feeling too smothering or restrictive too soon.

Early on, avoid pressuring him to spend all his time with you or officially commit. Clinginess makes an Aquarius man feel trapped.

Let your Aquarius crush come and go freely and do his own thing sometimes. Don’t demand he check in constantly or guilt-trip him for focusing on his own interests or friends.

He needs a partner who respects his independent spirit, not someone who makes him feel guilty for needing alone time.

Gradually, he’ll stick around more once he knows you won’t try to tie him down. Just let the relationship unfold at his own pace.

2. His Feelings Are Moving Too Fast

On the outside, Aquarius men seem aloof. But inside, they’re total softies with deep feelings. When an Aquarius man starts having intense emotions for you early on, it can freak him out.

Rather than share his vulnerability, his first instinct is usually to hit the brakes and retreat emotionally to process it all.

Don’t worry – his feelings for you are still there under the surface! He just needs some time to catch up with them behind closed doors.

Avoid smothering him with constant affection or having super heavy talks about the future right now. Let things unfold slowly so he can gain his emotional bearings.

3. He’s Unsure You’re The One

Picky Aquarius men want a true mental connection with a partner who shares their vision and interests.

If your Aquarius guy is having doubts you two have enough in common, he might distance himself to figure it out.

Don’t bend over backwards trying to prove yourself. Give him space to decide if you’re right for each other or not. Chasing after him will only drive him farther away right now.

Keep building your emotional and intellectual bond through fun conversations instead. Help him see how your values and outlook line up. In time, he’ll know for sure if you’re meant to be.

4. Creativity Is Calling Him

Thanks to Uranus, the planet of innovation, Aquarius men get zapped with genius ideas all the time. When inspiration strikes, your Aquarius guy might suddenly withdraw into his own little inventive world for a while to chase his latest aha moment.

Don’t take it personally!

His creativity just cannot be ignored when it starts flowing. Let him freely follow his muse without making him feel guilty about ignoring you for a bit.

The more supportive you are of his innovative spirit, the sooner he’ll be coming back to you fully recharged and inspired!

5. He’s Feeling Super Stressed Out

While Aquarius men seem relaxed, too much stress can make them retreat into their own little corner.

If your Aquarius crush is dealing with a lot of pressures and responsibilities in his life right now, he may pull away from you temporarily.

Give him some time to recharge on his own without getting upset.

Text him something upbeat and let him know you’re available to talk more whenever he’s up for it again.

His detached spell will pass once he has a chance to destress.

6. He’s Testing If He Can Trust You

It takes Aquarius men a while to feel totally comfortable opening up emotionally with a new partner.

Early on, he might periodically withdraw as a test to see if you respect his boundaries and handle it maturely.

Prove yourself trustworthy by not pressuring him to open up on your timeline. Be reliable, and don’t overshare too much yourself until his walls start coming down.

Moving slowly will reassure him things are building on a foundation of trust.

7. He’s In A Mood

Sometimes, Aquarius men just get in weird, broody moods where they need to isolate. If your Aquarius love is acting moody or temperamental out of nowhere, just let him be.

He’s not mad at you! He just needs solo time to process his feels away from everyone and recharge.

The more space you give him, the sooner his stormy mood will blow over.

8. Things Moved Too Quickly

Aquarius men like to do things their own unique way – rarely following traditional dating rules.

If you think things are getting serious because you slept together or spent a few weekends in a row together, he may get spooked by the rapid pace.

Don’t necessarily take it as rejection if your Aquarius crush starts acting distant after things heat up quickly.

He just needs to slow down and regain control of how fast things are moving before he fully commits.

Be patient and let him set the tempo. He’ll come back when he’s ready.

9. His Eyes Are Wandering

Early on before committing, some Aquarius guys can’t resist flirting around. If you sense your Aquarius love pulling away because his attention is directed elsewhere, have an honest chat about where you both stand.

Let him know you’re only interested in dating exclusively, even if that means parting ways.

Or consider opening up the relationship temporarily if you’re comfortable with that.

Either way, make sure he respects your boundaries if he wants you to stick around. Remind him what he has to lose!

10. It’s A Power Struggle

For Aquarius men, romantic relationships are always a mental chess match. The second you get too comfortable, he might withdraw just to keep you on your toes and make sure he still has your attention.

Annoying? Yes. But it shows he has deeper feelings for you than he’s probably admitting yet.

Don’t let him play games with your heart, but don’t give him too much reaction either. Keep your cool to show him you’re not going to chase after him when he acts detached – you know your worth!

Outsmart him at his own game by showing self-confidence no matter how aloof he’s being. He’ll come to realize quickly that only you are his true equal.

 Don’t Despair, Be Patient and Let Him Come Back to You

When an Aquarius man pulls away, it’s easy to panic and think the relationship is doomed. But don’t lose hope!

His withdrawal likely has little to do with you and more to do with the independent nature of his Zodiac sign.

By giving him the space he needs without blame or judgment, you allow him to work through whatever is causing him to retreat.

Have faith that your mental and emotional bond remains intact even if he can’t express it right now.

Resist the urge to chase after him or demand answers before he’s ready to talk.

Clinginess will only push an Aquarius man further away. Show strength by living your own life to the fullest while the door remains open for his return.

When he initiates reconnecting with you, keep things light at first. Slowly rebuild the comfort and trust that allows him to feel safe opening up again.

If your committed relationship is meant to be, a little patience and understanding now can save heartache down the road.

So take a deep breath and give your Aquarius man time to roam free. In the end, his heart will lead him back to you if your love is true.

Have compassion, stay strong in yourself, and let him find his way home in his own time. The stars predict your union can withstand this temporary eclipse if you don’t lose faith.

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