Beware the Taurus man’s tricks! 10 Ways A Taurus Man Uses Tests To See If You’re Right For Him

Trust me, I know how frustrating it can feel when a Taurus man tests a woman.

But there’s a reason for it – Taurus men are very cautious when it comes to love.

They want to take things slow and be absolutely sure you’re the right partner for them before diving in headfirst.

As an Earth sign, Taurus men need stability, loyalty, and commitment in a relationship.

Before fully investing his heart, a Taurus man will carefully evaluate whether you check off all the boxes on his very long list!

Here are the top 10 ways a Taurus man will test a woman he’s interested in to see if she measures up.

How Does A Taurus Man Test A Woman

1. He will be hot and cold

One day a Taurus man will be texting you constantly, the next he’ll seem totally MIA.

He wants to see how you handle the ups and downs – do you play games and pull back too or keep calm and carry on?

Taurus men hate drama queens! Show him you’re mature and have patience for his pace.


2. He’ll take forever to commit

Taurus men don’t rush into relationships. He’ll want to take things slowly to make sure you have long-term potential before labeling you his girlfriend.

Read also:   The Secret to Making a Taurus Man Fall In Love With You

Don’t try to pressure or corner him into committing, this will only push him away! Show you respect his pace.

3. He’ll see how you handle his flirtatious side

Even the most committed Taurus man still appreciates a beautiful woman. But he wants to make sure you are level-headed and trusting, not the jealous type.

Don’t overreact to his flirty banter, keep calm and he’ll be impressed.

4. He’ll be stubborn in an argument

Taurus men have a hard time admitting when they’re wrong. During a fight, he may refuse to budge or apologize first. But avoid screaming matches!

Have a calm discussion and show compromise. He’ll appreciate you taking the high road.

5. He’ll see how you handle stress

Do you crumble under pressure or tackle problems head on? Taurus men love capable women who can manage stress.

When life gets chaotic, be the eye of the storm and show him you have grit.

6. He’ll observe your loyalty

There’s nothing a Taurus man values more than loyalty in a partner. He may test your commitment by mentioning an ex or attractive female friend.

Don’t get jealous! Stay secure in his affection for you.

7. He’ll take his sweet time opening up

Taurus men are very private. He won’t bare his soul quickly as trust takes time. Let him reveal himself at his own pace.

When he does confide in you, it means you’ve passed the test!

8. He’ll see if you can handle his traditional views

A Taurus man expects traditional gender roles in a relationship. While he’s willing to compromise, he’ll still insist on being head of the household.

Show you can be an equal partner but don’t challenge every tradition.

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9. He’ll observe how you interact with friends and family

A Taurus man wants to know that the special woman in his life meshes well with all aspects of his world.

Expect him to introduce you to his inner circle early on and carefully watch how you get along with them. Show appreciation for his loved ones and it will impress him.

10. He’ll ask very personal questions

As an Earth zodiac sign, Taurus men prefer to deal in facts over emotions. He’ll ask very pointed questions about your background, goals, past relationships and more.

Read also:   The Secret to Making a Taurus Man Fall In Love With You

While it may feel intrusive, he’s just gathering info to assess your compatibility.

11. He’ll see if you respect his need for routine.

Change does not come easy for the rigid bull. The Taurus man prefers order and consistency. Expect him to get set in his habits and not deviate. Compromise by trying some of his favorite routines rather than rebelling.

12. He’ll measure your temperament.

The Taurus man avoids drama at all costs. He’ll purposely do small things that annoy you to see if you lose your cool. Keep calm and talk through issues rationally. Prove you can handle disagreements maturely.

13. He may talk about finances and future plans.

The ambitious bull wants a partner who can complement his drive for success. He’ll probe about your career goals and finances. But avoid seeming like a gold digger! Assure him you want an equal partner, not a sugar daddy.

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14. He’ll see if you give him space when needed.

Even the most smitten Taurus man needs periods of solitude to recharge. Instead of taking it personally, give him breathing room periodically. Your understanding will make him appreciate you more.

15. He’ll make sure you respect boundaries.

The Taurus man avoids risk in all forms, including physical intimacy. He’ll likely take things very slow before getting sexual. Don’t pressure him or make him feel guilty for wanting to wait. Let him set the pace.

The Rewards of Passing a Taurus Man’s Tests

Having patience for a Taurus man’s slow pace has big payoffs! Once you’ve proven yourself as a stable, loyal partner, here are what you can expect:

A monogamous relationship. Taurus men are fiercely committed once they officially choose a woman. You never have to worry about wandering eyes.

Romantic gestures. Beneath his tough exterior, he’s a softy who will surprise you with flowers, love notes and candlelit dinners.

A doting partner. He’ll anticipate your needs and take care of you with back rubs, home-cooked meals, and little treats.

Efforts to bond with your loved ones. Once committed, the Taurus man will make an effort to connect with your family and friends.

Read also:   The Secret to Making a Taurus Man Fall In Love With You

Physical intimacy once trust is built. Don’t rush the bull – good things come to those who wait! When he finally gets sexual, it will be well worth it.

An ambitious motivator. The Taurus man admires drive and wants to build a power couple. He’ll be your cheerleader to pursue big dreams!

A comfortable lifestyle. Financially savvy, the Taurus man works hard to provide a beautiful home and nice vacations for his lady.

Safety and stability. He takes the role of family protector very seriously. You’ll always feel secure and grounded with him.

His full attention. The attentive Taurus man makes you feel like the only woman in the room when you’re together.

Loyalty through good times and bad. Stand by him through his stubborn spells and you’ll have lifelong devotion in return.

What If He’s Still Testing After Several Months?

It’s normal for a Taurus man to be slow to commit. But if several months have passed and he’s still playing mind games, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship.

Here are some signs it’s just not meant to be:

He avoids any talk of exclusivity or labels after 3-4 months of dating. Taurus men know what they want – when he drags heels beyond this point, he may not see you as “the one.”

He flirts with other women in front of you or admits to cheating. Even if it’s just “testing,” this shows a lack of respect.

He refuses to integrate you into important areas of his life, like meeting family or spending holidays together.

He’s still hiding emotional vulnerabilities and avoiding sharing deeper feelings.

He tries to make you jealous and manipulate your emotions. Mind games should stop once commitment begins.

You constantly feel anxious about where you stand. A relationship with a Taurus man should feel secure and stable.

Final Thoughts on Winning Over a Taurus Man:

It can be frustrating if you’re dating a Taurus man who blows hot and cold. But avoid playing games! That will only push him away.

Best advice is to focus on being your very best self. Be calm, confident and drama-free.

Don’t compete with other women. Build trust slowly by opening up a little at a time.

When he sees you’re a strong, independent woman who can go toe to toe with him, he’ll respect you.

Show him you’ll stick by him through thick and thin.

Most importantly – have patience! The Taurus man opens his heart slowly but surely.

Let him set the pace without pressure. He’ll soon realize you’re the total package he’s been looking for all along!

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