How To Win A Leo Man Back? (A Step-By-Step Plan To Make Him Fall for You Again!)

Do you want to get your Leo man back? Have things ended between you, but you still have feelings for him?

Don’t lose hope! With some effort and understanding, you can reignite the spark and win back his heart.

Leos are passionate, loyal, and fun-loving. But they can also be stubborn and have big egos.

If your relationship ended, it may be because issues of pride or respect came between you.

The good news is that proving your love and commitment can melt a Leo’s heart.

By appealing to his romantic side, you can make him see you are a perfect zodiac sign match.

15 Ways to Win a Leo Man Back

1. Give Him Time and Space

If the breakup is recent, your Leo man needs some breathing room. Don’t overwhelm him with constant calls or texts begging to get back together.

This will likely just push him further away. Instead, go at least 30 days without contacting him.

Use this time to reflect on what went wrong and how to fix it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and your Leo ex will start to miss you.

2. Make a Grand Gesture

Leos love romance, passion, and being wooed. So come up with a big, bold gesture to grab his attention.

Do something over-the-top that proves how much you care.

Your Leo man wants to feel special, so make him feel chosen. This romantic relationship deserves a grand gesture.

Image: Unsplash

3. Compliment and Flatter Him

The quickest way to a Leo’s heart is through his ego.

Shower him with genuine praise and adoration. Tell him all the things you admire about his star sign traits – his strength, intelligence, talents, good looks, etc.

Build up his confidence so he feels like a king.

But be sincere, or he’ll see right through fake flattery. Focus on his best qualities and why he is so special to you.

4. Apologize and Take Responsibility

Before getting back together, you must address what went wrong.

Have an honest conversation and apologize for your part. Don’t put all the blame on him.

Taking ownership shows maturity and that you want to fix underlying issues.

Reassure him that you have grown and will be a better partner going forward.

Leo men can be very forgiving, especially when apologies are heartfelt.

5. Reignite the Spark

Remind your Leo of the passion you once shared.

Plan a sexy night out at a hotel or lounge. Dress up, hit the dance floor, flirt, and make it clear you desire him.

Leos love being seduced, so bring out your confident, fiery side. Whisper all the naughty things you want to do later.

Send him seductive texts and photos.

Leave lipstick marks on his mirror. Be bold and help him rediscover the chemistry between you.

An emotional connection like yours is rare.

6. Show Off Your Best Self

To impress a Leo, be your best self. Wear clothes that make you feel confident and classy.

Get a makeover – freshen your hairstyle, invest in great lingerie. Work out and tone up.

Post selfies on social media looking hot and happy. When he sees how great you’re doing without him, it will spark his competitive nature.

He’ll want to be part of your world again. Show him you are one of the most confident women he’ll meet.

7. Plan Exciting Dates

Leos love adventure, so plan active, fun dates that bring out his playful side.

Go dancing, take a couples cooking class, hit the gym together, check out a new restaurant – anything lively and different.

Include romantic touches like flowers or small gifts.

Show him that being with you means trying new experiences, not falling into a dull routine. He’ll be excited about your relationship again.

8. Appeal to His Hero Complex

Leo men desire to be champions and protectors. Subtly stoke this desire by asking for his help or advice.

Mention a problem at work and ask what he would do. Ask him to check something in your car or install your new TV.

Compliment his intelligence and problem-solving. Make him feel heroic and depended on.

He’ll puff up with pride and be compelled to take care of you. Play to his competitive sign traits.

9. Display Your Loyalty

Leo men need to know they can trust you. Prove you will stand by him no matter what.

Be his cheerleader, promoter, and sounding board.

Your unwavering loyalty will reassure him that you are dedicated and in his corner.

He needs to feel supported to give the relationship another shot.

10. Surprise Him

Leos love to be entertained and delighted.

Pull off an unexpected surprise to shake up his routine. Whisk him away on a weekend getaway or plan an adventurous date hiking or paintballing.

Cook his favorite meal and have it waiting when he gets home.

Buy tickets to see his favorite team or band. Big, thoughtful surprises will capture his attention and convey how well you know and “get” him.

11. Mirror His Body Language

When you interact, mirror his posture, gestures, and mannerisms.

This builds rapport and trust by subconsciously showing you are in sync. If he leans in, lean in too.

If he crosses his arms, follow suit. Mimicking his body language makes him feel heard and understood.

It also creates a bond, forming the basis for intimacy and reconciliation.

12. Don’t Play Games

As tempting as it is, don’t try to make your Leo jealous or play games with his emotions.

This will backfire and just push him farther away. Be direct about wanting him back.

Leos appreciate honesty even when the truth is hard.

Mind games make them lose trust and respect for you.

Pursue him sincerely by showing you’ve grown and are ready for something real.

13. Ask Mutual Friends to Put in a Good Word

Get allies in your corner by discreetly asking mutual friends to talk you up.

Have them mention how great you’re doing or casually drop how much you miss your ex.

Hearing it from a third party can reopen his mind about getting back together.

Just don’t vent or whine to friends about the split. Stay classy and let them accentuate your positives.

Image: Unsplash

14. Have an Honest Heart-to-Heart

When the time is right, sit down for a calm, open discussion.

Apologize again for your role in the breakup, but also lovingly explain how his actions hurt you.

Tell him what’s changed and how you plan to communicate better. Then ask what you both could do differently next time.

Keep it constructive and solution-oriented. If you both lower your guards, reconciliation becomes possible.

15. Don’t Give Up on the Relationship

Above all, tenacity and hope will be your best assets.

Unless abuse was present, assume the relationship can be repaired.

Keep taking steps, big and small, to reconnect. With consistent effort, you can prove the flame is still there.

Let your Leo see that walking away again would be a huge loss.

As long as you believe, he can change his mind and give the relationship another try.

The key to winning back a Leo man is persistence mixed with patience. Ultimately, actions speak louder than words.

He needs to see you are willing to make big changes and put in the hard work.

By appealing to his heart and ego, you can convince him to roar back into your life for a second chance at a happy relationship with an amazing person.

More Tips for Understanding Your Leo Man

Leos are one of the most dynamic astrological signs. Here are some additional insights into the personality traits and nature of a typical Leo man:

Leos are natural leaders and some of the bravest signs of the zodiac. They love taking charge and being in the spotlight. Finding ways to let your Leo man take the lead will make him feel powerful.

Leos have a strong sense of pride. Be sure to only praise him honestly. Empty compliments will backfire. Help reassure him of his talents and strengths.

Leos can be very romantic once committed. Surprise your Leo with flowers, back massages, and other treats to keep the spark alive.

Leos crave excitement and fun. Planning adventurous dates and keeping things unpredictable will strengthen your emotional connection.

As a fire sign, Leos thrive on passion. Don’t be afraid to show how much you desire him romantically. Sexting and romantic getaways are sure to intrigue him.

Leos appreciate grand gestures when it comes to romance. Pull out all the stops to show him he’s the king of your heart.

Leos are most compatible with fellow fire signs and air signs who can match their energy. But they may clash with water signs like Cancer who are more emotional.

Leos love attention and compliments. Make him feel special through little gifts, praise, and making his interests a priority.

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